In November 2020
A student of mine (Sam) ... got an invitation to write emails for Banyan Hill Publishing.. a member of The Agora Companies
If you're not familiar with The Agora
They're the world's biggest direct marketing outfit
With an estimated $1billion a year in gross sales
And they hire the absolute best Copywriters in the world
So for Sam to get their attention
There's something he did that was "out of the ordinary"
And as you might guess...
It's definitely nothing like what 90% of freelancers are doing on LinkedIn in the name of "prospecting"
- "Pitching" everybody that has CEO/Publisher/VP-marketing under their names ... in their bio
- Randomly replying comments under a viral post (in the name of visibility..)
- Or blindly agreeing with the point of the OP in every post that has lots of engagement
He didn't do any of that...
Simply because that's not how you get the attention of a billion-dollar publishing behemoth like The Agora
So what did Sam do?
And very importantly..
Is this simple strategy something you can use to "cut the line" and get the attention of anyone of the 10+ companies under The Agora Companies Umbrella?
This is not the kind of info you see on Social media
It's behind the scenes stuff...
And the only way you hear a pin about it when you have "insider" access
...or when you know somebody that has "insider access'"
...or somebody that knows somebody.
That's the bad news
But the good news is:
Sam is my person
And if you're interested...
I can arrange it so you hear him talk about his methods
Actually, I 've done that already
You see, I spoke with the man and he agreed to do a short video explaining ...
The psychology behind what he did,
Why it worked...
And how serious freelance Copywriters can get the attention of publishers & copy chiefs at the helm of anyone of the 10+ companies under the Agora Network.
Companies like:
- Common Sense Publishing,
- The Oxford Club,
- Money Map Press,
- Wall Street Daily,
- Bonner and Partners,
- TradeSmith,
- NewMarket Group,
- Institute of Natural Healing,
- Banyan Hill Publishing,
- Omnivista Health.
- International Living
- Fleet Street Publications,
- FSP Financial Services,
- Southbank Investment Research,
- Port Phillip Publishing
- Etc
Sure, you can go ahead and Google these companies or search for them on LinkedIn and start pitching the key decision makers
Then receive the shock of your life when you're ignored or they reply you saying " we don't work with freelancers"
As expected.
Anyway, if you want to know how it really works
There's a lot you'll learn watching this video by Sam
Inside, he talks about "strategic positioning" & "first impressions"
Plus what these guys look out for in soon-to-be-hired Copywriters
And how to correctly "tick the right boxes"
So you get their favourable attention...
And ultimately... get your foot in the door.
This video is available if you want it
But "if and only if" you're a member of my new menstorship program
You get the entire thing as part of a 5-part Video series where you'll see 5 of my students explaining...
What they did, and what they're doing to get the kind of envibale results they're getting today.
If you're already part of the program
Then you're in for a real treat
But if you're not...
And you'd love to get a behind the scenes view to:
How the money works in our business.... / Where the big clients are... / How to "lock in" monthly retainers worth thousands of dollars in new income for yourself.... / what to focus on...
And very importantly...
What not to waste your precious time on!
How to tour your favourite countries on a freelance budget
And get front-row access to my personalized internal calls
Where I'll be sharing dozens of hard-won lessons and proven money-making tactics you can use to reach your desired level of personal income in the coming weeks and months.... /
And much, much more...
You can still join us today for $100 (N50,000) only.
Offer expires August 1st [official launch fee is $500 (N250,000)]
Long story short:
If you want to take advantage of the $100 pre-launch fee
Here's your discount URL:
See you inside