Ask Your Father

Probably not the kind of mail you'd be excited about 

By now... depending on your bandwidth for B.S're either boiling or seriously confused ...and asking:

"What the hell Andy, where's this going?"

Here's the epistle:

If your Father is still alive,

Find the time to ask him:

"Daddy, what are some of the things you wish you did / didn't do, when you were my age?"

If possible, do it over a face to face conversation

The lessons hit differently versus when you do it over the phone.

I was lucky enough to have that convo with my father before he left this planet...

And I can tell you,

What I learned from that convo is invaluable

And much of it has helped me avoid some horrible mistakes that would have been too costly to bounce back from / 

"But what if my pop is no more?"

Talk to your momma.

If she's no more,

Talk to your eldest sibling

And if you ain't got one,

Find that one elderly person you hold in the highest esteem

And ask them.

This person must be close to you.

NOT intimately, romantically, lovey-dovey close

But close enough to be willing to have that kinda convo with you, freely...

Now, you MUST pay attention to NOT just what they say

But how they say it...

Choice of words,

The expression on their face

Every sigh...

Every smile...

Every frown...

Don't miss a thing.

And don't interrupt them either

Just listen and observe

You will learn a lot.

Stay frosty.



P.S: I've been too busy to share testimonials with you

But this came yesterday from Gracey, one of my newest students...

"Just yesterday I pitched through email to a lady that created an online course to help women learn about how they can start an online business. She just responded and cc'ed me to a partner of the program, I screamed immediately I saw the message like I didn't expect a response. Thank you so much for being an inspiration"

And here's another one,

From Bukunmi:

"Good day to you Andy, I closed a  client yesterday.. 1 sales letter, 7Emails and a 5-page Ebook, Thanks, Andy, Almighty father will bless you..."

Amen to that

I get testimonials like this all the time from new writers in my FCI class  where the regular pay is a minimum of...

N100,000 per writing gig with Nigerian Clients...

And 1,000 per writing gig with foreign Clients

But sadly...

Even though my students are doing well and making good money for themselves... and raving about on Social Media...

I can only help those ready to help themselves

The road to Copywriting wealth is narrow

And my class is strictly designed for the few ready to go all the way

Those with a fighter pilot attitude who will...

Study like mad,

Implement like crazy

And earn those juicy fees with all sense of pride.

If that sounds like you...

Join the Ship here

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