If you're thinking about signing up for any of my Courses or programs anytime soon,
And you're not ready to put in the work,
Do yourself a favour,
Don't sign up.
Keep your money.
Or spend it on something else.
I have serious contempt for folks who won't do the work,
Scatterbrained people who can't be disciplined enough to go all the way.
No matter how valuable a course or program is,
You'll never make a dime unless you're consistent.
Might take you a few days, weeks, or month....
But results will only come if you're consistent.
Plain and simple.
Now, if you're interested in becoming a well-paid writer,
And you're seriously ready to put in the work,
You can start with The Foreign Copywriting Initiative.
It's a program that shows you how the money works in this thing of ours
And how you can land clients who pay between $1,000 - $10,000 per project
But don't be a fool and sign up on blind impulse simply because:You see dozens of testimonials from people who started with NO experience and are now making thousands of dollars every month in writing fees
Becoming a well-paid Copywriter is not a walk in the museum,
It takes serious effort, ambition, discipline, and patience.
If you can't understand that,
Then don't sign up.
The Foreign Copywriting Initiative currently sells for N25,000.
If you're ready to do the work,
You can sign up here: nairaroad.com/averagejoe
Stay frosty,