Dead on Arrival

There are a number of reasons you send a pitch to a prospective client and you don't get a favourable response

Especially when you're a freelance Copywriter

Maybe you sent the pitch to the wrong guy (who's not your ideal target prospect and as such, will never ever reply)

Maybe they were hooked initially, but you didn't give them a SOLID reason to reply your message with the famous "how can we work together" question

As such, no reply.

Maybe they don't believe YOU or they don't see any difference between you and all the scumbags badgering them with mediocre pitches everyother day...

BUT in all this...

You know the biggest reason 90% of freelance Copywriters never get a favourable response when they send out cold emails and DMs to propsective clients?

It's simple:

Their messages don't even get opened or read because they are...


Upon seeing the highlight of the message in his inbox,

The prospect doesn't even notice anything worthy of checking out, 

And as such,

He ignores it without even opening it.

And on the few occasions where a freelance Copywriter's pitch gets opened, you only get a reply when your message...

  • Stands out as unique and super-interesting (giving prospect a mental rush of excitement...)
  • Teaches your prospect something new (exposes them to something they've not been exposed to before...)
  • Addresses the concerns of your prospect
  • Tackles the objections 
  • Gives your prospect a solid reason (without a trace of desperation) to reach OUT immediately..

And so on.

Now here's the thing....

When it comes to getting Copywriting clients,

There are 2 simple strategies you can use:

  • The Pursuit Technique:

    Sending value-driven, emotionally compelling DMS and Cold Emails

    (Which can be super-effective if you know how to craft the kinds of messages that get opened, get read, and get responded to...)
  • The Magnetic PULL:

    Use high-quality lead mags and premium content to pull quality clients in your direction..... 

    (Also very effective and puts you in a position of power where you can raise your fees and still get clients to pay happily...)

Both are very-very-very effective (when done correctly)

Some of my students use both, and it works superby well for them.

For more info on how to land Copywriting clients using either of these strategies

Go here

Even if you're not a Copywriter, you can still use what you learn here to get better paying clients for your freelance/coaching business

Stay frosty.


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