Now this is funny,
My friend Chi has just told me how her friend had a hilarious date during their third year in school....
It's a crazy story
So her friend Amaka (not her real name) had just met this guy Ben
And she was beginning to like him enough to give him "a chance"
She was willing to have sex with him,
But she hadn't had sex in a while.....
And what was her reason?
Simply this:
This last time she had a date...
She had just finished a six-month window of abstinence from sex
And she was super excited to have sex again
Only for her date to cum in under 2-minutes every time she let him touch her,
And in her head, she just kept thinking....
"OH My God! What a waste of Celibacy"
And she swore she wasn't going to have sex again.....
Until she met a man she was convinced could give her mind blowing sex.
Mother nature heard her cry
And sent our darling friend "Ben" her way
Finally, She was going to have sex again!
She was excited about it, and Ben was too...
Chi says Amaka is SO HOT AND WELL BEHAVED....
Only a man born without a penis and a brain wouldn't be excited to make love to her (That's what she said and I believe her. .)
Amaka and Ben had a date that fateful Friday afternoon and she decided it was a great idea to spend the night at his place.... (or so she thought)
They kissed... (it always starts with a kiss)...
They cuddled...
Ripped each others clothes, and......
The foreplay was better than anything she had ever imagined
Ben was the real deal....
And she couldn't wait to have him inside her....
Ben's dick was sooooo BIG,
She feared for her LIFE!
If you think every woman out there loves it outrageously BIG,
Think again...
The porn and sex supplement industry are making a fortune by planting that false perception inside the coconut heads of millions of men
Yep, women want to be fucked real good.... but...
So Amaka came up with an excuse...
She had PTSD for 3 straight days (I wasn't there but that's what Chi told me)
and she promptly gave him a name befitting for a legend....
Big dick Ben (BDB)
ACTUALLY, she changed his number from Benjamin to BDB.
Of course, our poor friend Ben had the determination of a prime bull and...
He tried to invite Amaka over again...
Not a chance.
She wasn't going to have herself killed just because . . .
She wanted to have mind blowing sex
In fact, after a while....
She stopped taking his calls and the relationship died a natural death.
Are you beginning to see the amazing Copywriting lesson in Amaka's hilarious adventure with Big dick Ben?
You say you can't?
Don't look any further
Because there's no Copywriting lesson there.
I just wanted to share a good story with you.
Nothing more.
Stay frosty.
PS: I think there's a glimmer of hope here...
Hope for any man who's been depressed all his life because he doesn't think he has Pornography standard penis...
Look, forget what the Porn industry 's been telling you all your life,
90% of women aren't necessary in awe of an over-sized penis
I've been told by an overwhelming majority of my female friends, that the pain from an over-sized penis can be unbearable.
What a woman really wants is...
A penis of considerable length that....
When erect and turgid....
Sends waves of ecstasy down her spine....
Each thrust more pleasurable than the last....
Deeper.... faster... and without mercy ... (Women --at least the majority--- do not want a gentleman in bed..... Not when it's time for penetration)
I think every woman out there deserves to have great sex
It's just....
Nobody's daughter should die simply because she wants to have a good time.
I hope you've learned some valuable lesson that can drastically improve the quality of your life over the next 30-days.