Below is a COLD email I sent to a U.K Client in the crowdfunding niche back in the day
As you'll see,
I wasn't necessarily looking to close him with that email
Nor was I asking for the sale
Both of which are huge mistakes lots of folks make with their cold mails or DMs or Calls – that gets them ignored over and over
Nope, my objective was 2-fold
Get a prompt response — and get my foot in the door
Either with a pro-bono project (Probono's are great for BIG NAME Clients because even without pay, it adds a lot of cred to your portfolio and can open LOTS of doors you never thought possible...)
Or with a trip-wire (a low-cost, low-end project that doesn't ask much) that makes it easier for them to say YES than ignore you or say no or get someone else..
And that's exactly what happened to me
Lots of folks definitely send out mails to this prospect
But I got a positive response because I ticked a few boxes right
And here's something else you can notice about the pitch
Is I wasn't beating around the bush
And I wasn't sendng a random pitch to some random guy I didn't even know whether or not needed what I had to offer
I was talking to someone I had done research on
Someone I had been (as my friend Golibe likes to put it) ....
STALKING hopelessly!
And someone who was already looking for "someone like me"
Also, the pitch short and straight to the point,
No fluff, no plenty grammar, no long-winded copy
Just a clear statement of intent and a CALL to ACTION
Here, for your reading pleasure:
Raising over £55MILLION to fund projects tackling some of society's most important challenges is a truly remarkable story (I only knew this because I had done my research)
You have done a bloody marvelous job with [Company name]
The other reason I'm reaching out is;
I read your tweet — (had been stalking him — STALK your prospects, an opportunity almost always drops, and it makes sense that you're there at the right time to seize it) — about the need for a Freelance copywriter who can help with results-oriented words and messages for your project.
And I'd love to help.
I'm not asking for any commitment on your part (making it easy for him to respond)
This would be more like a passion project
And I'd love you to see what I can do first (Not making any bogus claims and as such, making him see me as a true professional)
I Look forward to hearing from you.
Freelance Copywriter.
Okay maybe that wasn't the greatest COLD EMAIL ever written
But here's what's good about it...
He replied within 48-hours (when you're the founder of a 9-figure behemoth, it's understandable if it takes a while for you to reply your emails)
And guess what?
Not only was my objective of "getting my foot in the door" achieved
We exchanged a couple more emails
And I ended up worked with him on a promotional piece for a crowdfunding project his company was running at the time.
PLUS, I got a BIG name client on my portfolio
Meaning more cred to my name
And here's what I think the take away is:
If you're going to COLD email a client (especially in the B2B space)
It helps to stalk the "decision maker" long enough to know enough about them in a way that makes it easy for you to...
Write a "Hit the nail on the head" email that's almost guaranteed to get you the kind of positive response you need
And what about sending 100 cold emails a day hoping you get one or 2 positive replies?
Here's what's wrong about that approach
Almost everyone's doing it
So you might as well STACK the odds in YOUR FAVOUR by doing what MOST in your industry ain't doing
Take your time — study this person — inside out
And try to "time your message" according to something that's going on in their company or social life at the time
This way, your message is more "dialed in"
And you stand a better chance of getting a positive REPLY
Stay frosty
P.S: If you think this email was valuable
Just wait until you experience (or start hearing) what's going to be happening between the four walls of the F.C.I Platinum
Shamefully (and I accept full responsibility for this)
I still don't have a proper sales page for it yet (working on it)
But if you'd like to see how you get can get mentored by ME,
And with a lot of extra help from my mob of well-paid writers
To hit your personal income goals in the next 6-12 months...
And even "CUT the LINE" and get a front row seat to JV deals and Client referrals from me — by simply leveraging on my Influential Copywriting network — and Industry connections (I know people)
You can have a peek at the offer here:
And if you were thinking of signing up for F.C.I 2021 before
You get it free when you sign up for the F.C.I Platinum
This way you have something to keep you engaged and getting results before the Platinum launches fully in first week of August
Latest August 5
And what if you already have the F.C.I 2021...?
And are already getting results or still implementing?
But you'd love my mentorship...
Well then, here's what you can do:
Take advantage of the pre-launch offer for the F.C.I platinum while it lasts (ends July 31st)
I swear you've never seen anything like this (at least, not from me)
If you're game and ready to scale up...
Here's the URL to sign up for N47,500 only (prelaunch price until August 1 when it goes to N75,000): F.C.I Platinum