Rejection Message

I've gone through your proposal. And I have to admit...

You really do know your stuff and it's clear you're bringing a LOT to the table,

However, I'm sorry we can't bring you onboard at this time

But we'll keep in touch and whenever we have need for you,

We'll definitely reach out!

Best wishes"


Just when you're so sure you have them wrapped around your fingers,

They slip away and you don't even know how to respond to a rejection message that makes you sick in your stomach

And it's sad to even say it...

Rejection messages are inevitable

We all get our fair dose...

Jesus, Mohammed, Gandhi, Satan, God, You, Me.. etc

And when you get messages like these...

It can be tempting to start thinking you're not good enough,

Or that you should start charging less (so your price doesn't scare Clients away...)

Don't do that.

When a rejection message is upon your soul...

Simply acknowledge and move on.

Your reply could be something to the effect of:

"Alright, thank you for your time"

Then move on to the next Client on your radar.

I wish I could tell you there's some secret marketing technique you can use to avoid getting rejection messages from soon-to-be Clients

Sadly, I don't know of any...

But what I can do, is show you how to become a Client Magnet

That is...

Clients come to you and not the other way round (where you're the one always reaching out and rejection messages are inevitable)

Many of my students working in the financial, health, and Ecommerce markets have Clients sending them DMs enquiring about their services

And 7 in 10 become paying Clients


Because when a Client reaches out to you

They come 80% presold

No need to try to persuade them that you have the chops

They already know or sense that you're good.

All you have to do is ask them questions or have them ask you questions

Then state your fees,

Sign an agreement (if need be)

And then work commences

The concept behind this is called in-bound Client Acquisition

Something my students are using to get paying Clients every month

If you're not part of my class of 2021 yet,

And you're struggling to get paying Clients consistently (Like at least, one new Client every month...)

And you could use some guidance in getting better paying Clients...

Go here

Even if you're not a Copywriter....

Like, whether you're a service provider, freelancer, coach or consultant or ...

Just someone who needs a regular flow of paying clients on a monthly basis

What you'll learn in section 4 of this training will be worth more to you than anything else you've ever tried with regards to getting clients

So if you're ready to work and reap the rewards (economic and financial) of implementing proven strategies that's working for me and my students ...

Use the URL below to join the training:

When Clients come to you, Not the other way Round

Stay frosty


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