Dec. 31st.

99% of people who send out a sales pitch are missing a vital point

You're so obsessed with how clever your pitch is,

And you forget... Your prospective Client is NOT...

Sitting down with a chilled bottle of Budweiser Lager beer,

Eating grilled chicken,

And looking forward to your brilliant pitch.

Heck... for Satan's genitals...

If they're your ideal client...

It means they're already getting (almost on a daily basis) dozens of annoying pitches from your kind...

And they're probably fed up of all those irritating "pleas" to consider some idea they couldn't care less about

An idea that doesn't in anyway make their lives less miserable... or more fun

The problem:

You're thinking about yourself and your pitch and what's in it for you.

Ignoring the most important piece on the Chess board

The prospect.

Thus, your pitch is D.O.D (Dead on Arrival)

The solution:

  • Once you've picked your niche
  • Do market research (99% of Freelance Copywriters don't)
  • Find the the major problem in your Client's market

    *For Angel Gabriel's sake, visit their website... check their social media activities.. on-going projects... spy on their competition... dig for dirt... find a solution to a specific problem they're dealing with... or could be dealing with... help them find an advantage... or an untapped gold mine...)

  • Find a way to get in front of them (Organic Traffic, Paid Traffic, Electronic mail, Direct Mail.. etc)
  • Write an educative email or DM that provides value to them

    Diagnose the problem they're struggling with... or dying to solve...

    And then offer a simplified solution

    >>> with case studies/testimonials if possible
  • Invite them to share their thoughts
  • Ask if they need any help with this or that
  • Schedule a meeting or strategy session (ZOOM, Skype, Google Meet etc)
  • Explain things further

    This is how it works...

    This is what you can expect...

    This is how we can go about it

  • Make your pitch (with zero trace of desperation or neediness or hype or guilt-tripping.... because your prospect ain't daft!)

    *It helps to keep your pitch fucking interesting

    *Go straight to the point, no fluff... but strive to keep it as interesting as possible..... from your prospect's perspective

    *Something they'll happily share with a partner or colleague or employee

    *Compelling / Un-put-downable / Memorable, that sort of thing...
  • If Client is sold... State your terms and Close the deal
  • Get paid per project or on a monthly retainer

    Eg: $3,000 for the sales funnel

    Or would you like me to handle your entire marketing this quarter, for a small $3,000 every month?

    (I'll handle everything from your ads.. funnels.. emails.. and so on... everything except customer service and product delivery)

    Bla bla bloom 
  • If Client is not sold...

    Don't force it....

    DOn't show any signs of an emotional low or whatever

    Simply tell them it was nice talking to you

    And if you ever need my help with anything...

    Feel free to contact me

    There are other ways to stay in your client's head after they decline to start working with you at the time of your pitch..

    This is just one example for the sake of this email

Is this all there is to pitching that works?

What I've outlined above is a solid template that could work for you,

Depending on how you fill in the blanks.

But if you're not quite sure what to do... or what to say...

To make Clients/prospects respond to your pitch,

With excitement, curiosity and eagerness to hear more or work with you:

You can check out my 4-part series on Client Acquisition (and what makes for success in pitching your ideas and services to total strangers)


This special information is only available to members of my Copywriting class for 2021.

And even if you don't sell Copywriting as a service

You'll still find that you can use what you learn inside to advertise your services and products on a profitable basis... consistently

If you're not already signed up to the class,

And you'd like to join us... 

Go here

Stay frosty



P.S: I hope reading my emails has been worth it so far?

Because if not... 

You can file for a divorce (by unsubscribing with the unsubscribe button below)

No hard feelings.

What's that?

You say it's been worth it?


There's a topic or 2 you wish I could address in my subsequent emails?

See your eye </>

So if I didn't bring it up... you'd say nothing abi?

Anyway, how about letting me know what this topic is?

This way, I could draw a list of

"Top ten things my readers want to know"

And then mix it up with some of the stuff I'll be writing about in the coming weeks.


P.P.S: And while you're at it... don't forget:

I'm still taking in Copywriting students for 2021:

The goal:

Help you build an 8-figure / year Copywriting Business

(Something I've helped several others achieve in less than a year)

8-figures in Naira, is anything between N10,000,000 - N99,000,000

Not to be sniffed at.

And that's something you can achieve if you work really hard and you're driven by a deep-seated obsession to make tons of money for yourself.


If you've not signed up already

And you're interested in joining us, use the link below to...

Join the December 31st batch

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