4 modes of persuasion for Business Success

If you sell anything online (Product or service)....

I want to give you 4 modes of persuasion, which.... if you lash together.... will enable you convert more strangers into customers, clients, buyers...

Using a simple marketing strategy that's nearly impossible to ignore.

In Direct response Copywriting, There are 4 “modes” of persuasion

The first is Ethos:

This involves convincing somebody logically with facts, figures, and proof.


A New parenting study from Harvard Family Medicine reports that 8 in 10 parents develop mental stress as a result of the challenges of child learning...


A Men's Health survey concluded in May 2020 shows that 80%  of men wish they knew exactly what women want in bed....


  • The New York Times calls it the Investment of the decade,
  • CNN Money reports that Apple, Google and Amazon have each put well over $10Billion into this little tech start-up ...
  • And The Wall Street Journal says this is the safest path to early retirement

Do you see how I'm not saying anything that sounds like my opinion?

It all comes down to research.

Maybe I'll write you another email explaining how you can use credible third party sources to get SOLID UNDENIABLE PROOF for your product or service (even if you have no client or customer yet)...

But for now...

Let's talk about Logos.

It's the second mode of persuasion.

And it involves convincing your audience of your Credibility 

Here's an example: 

I've spent the last 10 years writing multi-million dollar sales promotions for Direct Marketing Giants like Agora, Rodale, Phillips Publishing, The Motley Fool, Stansberry Research and more.  I've also been a Top marketing consultant for several Government agencies in the west.... France, Germany, The UK, and The administration of Barack Obama.


Got it?

Next is Pathos.

The strongest of all four.

Pathos is all about convincing your audience with emotions.. ..

Painting the right pictures in their head

And using carefully selected words to channel the desires of your audience into something you want to sell to them...

This is the heart of influence and persuasion

There are many emotions behind a WANT or Desire

Fear, Greed, Ego, LUST, Revenge, Survival, Vanity etc

Here's an example of how to use an existing fear to make your reader inclined to buy what you're selling...


The Federal Government is planning a brutal invasion of the South East. The people of Imo, Anambra, Enugu, Abia and Ebonyi will be slaughtered mercilessly....

There's very little time left.

You must protect yourself and your family, and your best bet is relocating out of Nigeria until all of this is over.

Sure, you can stay and fight if YOU want to....

But remember the civil war in the 60s.... The World watched as the Igbos were slaughtered without mercy....

Fathers, Mothers, Children, Youth... even babies still in the womb..

Nobody was spared....

YOU must act now... 

And here's the good news in all of this...

Canada has opened it's immigration program for Families who want to relocate in 2021... if you start the process now... You can get your Visa approved in less than 8-months, and by January 2021, You'll be out of Nigeria for good...

But how do you go about getting your visa approved? 

It's not as complicated as you think, when you watch the video below and follow the simple steps...


Very straightforward right?

There's one more mode of persuasion....

I'll tell you about it tomorrow.

Or maybe I won't tell you about it.

It depends on what side of the bed I wake up on.

Stay frosty.


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