The Problem with Beverly Naya’s SKIN

I want to teach you a lesson this morning,

It has something to do with Bobrisky and Beverly Naya.

I'll start with Bobrisky.

"If I could change one thing about myself it's going back to my complexion. . Do you know why? . . . Because the stress I use in rubbing my cream everyday is terrible" - Bobrisky.

This is one of the highlights of Beverly Naya's SKIN documentary.

First of all,

Bobrisky (makes millions every month selling skin lightening creams.)

Keep that in mind as you read the rest of this letter:

Less than 48-hours ago

Beverly Naya's SKIN premiered on Netflix,

And from the little I've read....

Beverly's Big idea in her new documentary is showcasing....

The effects of colourism on society and using it as a powerful argument to let black women know that . . .

Complexion has absolutely nothing to do with beauty.

Does she have a point?

I think she does...

But here's the problem with SKIN:

You see all those women hailing Beverly Naya's documentary and saying it's giving them a serious paradigm shift?

If you place a Skin-lightening serum vs a normal skin-care product that merely polishes their natural color....

80% would jump at the skin-lightening cream that makes them look fairer.

And here's why:

Many black women somehow believe that you're only beautiful when you're light-skinned, and that's why ....

They spend their entire lives buying all sorts of serums, skin care products and make-up recipes.... (No idea what that means)


There's a reason people in the skin-lightening business make billions every year.

They know what women want and they make a ton of money giving it to them.

And the numbers don't lie:

People who sell skin-lightening products make 100x more money than people who sell normal skincare products.

So let's establish 2 facts...

Beverly's SKIN is a great way to bring black women back to their senses...

But on the other hand, from a marketer's perspective,

What many black women really want is Bobrisky's complexion.

Bottomline: Sell people what they WANT. NOT What you think they need.

Stay frosty.


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