I don’t Care if This Pisses You Off, I’ll Still Say What Needs to Be Said

What you're about to read will probably piss you off....

OR Maybe it won't....

Perhaps, it will inspire you to blaze new trails..... and set you on your way to getting everything you've ever wanted in life.


Here's what this is all about:

You know.... I still haven't got the slightest clue what I was doing with my life before I discovered the insanely lucrative world of direct response marketing and copywriting...

Maybe I'll tell you when I remember,

But for now, Here's something I've been meaning to get off my chest for weeks now....

Every now and then, I get dozens of DMs on Twitter....

40% (4 in 10) of these DMs are from entrepreneurs and business players who want to hire me to work on a marketing project for them., but...

It's the other 60% I want us to talk about......

You see.... Mostly, these people want to learn how I do what I do for a living....

That is, they want to learn how to write persuasively and get paid (serious sums of money) for it... 

Okay. Here's the first thing I ask them:

"Why Copywriting?"

"Why not something else?"

In most cases, the response is predominantly along the lines of....

"I like that I can do it from anywhere --- and that It helps me understand how to solve money problems"

Fine.... I think that's a good reason.... and I go ahead to show them how they can get started..... (actually, what I did when I started out back then....) 

  1. Pick one great Copywriter (For me it was, and still is --Gary Halbert)
  2. Study his sales letters, books, newsletters ---- all his works
  3. Study 3 Copywriters he was fond of
  4. Study their sales letters....
  5. Write out the best of the best of these sales letters by HAND
  6. Repeat ----- until you can confidently write a sales pitch without editing it

6 in 10 don't do this

I know because the next time I hear from these people....

They're asking me how they can get Clients..... Which is a question that should never come up if they did all I suggested in the first place....

And there's something very instructive here...... Apart from trying to put the cart before the horse..... or afternoon before morning.....

I think most people are guilty of fraud and self-delusion.

They want the beer but can't be bothered by getting involved in the brewing procedures that make the roasted premium barley safe for drinking and consumption.


There are those who say they'll do something;

The Talkers. They talk, a lot... and usually, end up doing nada...

Then, on the other side of the Atlantic ---- You've got the Cleaners... The Doers.... The few who understand the power of just shutting up and doing what needs to be done...

Which one are you?

While you ponder on that, Here's a quick, dirty and maybe inspiring story.............

Some years back, I decided I wanted to be the greatest Copywriter who ever lived---first in Nigeria (and subsequently in the world).....

I was obsessed with words, persuasion, salesmanship and....

All that forbidden stuff you're not allowed to talk about in Churches, mosques.... and temples

So I devoured advertising classics by day.....

Wrote out control sales letters by noon...

Wrote articles and sales pitches by evening...

And at night.....

I dreamed of collecting....

Top Money for Copywriting Services rendered....

You get it, right?

Blood, sweat, tears, and all that....

Have I achieved my dreams of being the best copywriter in this country?

I think so.... at least ----in my head, which is the only place that matters......(.....and oh, I write Copy for some of the most respected internet marketers in the country.... they pay me happily.... )

Listen,  I'm not saying any of this to brag or rub my progress in your face

My point, if there's any, is this:

You can't go from where you are, to where you want to be without paying the fucking price!

So if you've got even the slightest interest in becoming a pro copywriter or anything else.....

Start doing what needs to be done.

Start right now, today and for god's sake do it every day.

 ....and fuck those bullshit excuses!

See, I'm sick and tired of people who say they want something...

Yet, when the sun comes down.... when it's show time..... they have a keynote speech and 365 excuses why they cant get in trenches to do what's required of them!

Listen, one of the best sales letters I wrote was written from a hospital, while my father was on admission, recovering from a repeat stroke.....

Again, to hell with those excuses of yours.

You can't enjoy the awe, respect and massive gains of becoming a pro in your field if you don't develop the no-bullshit "sleeves-rolled-up, down-in-the-dirt" mindset of sitting down and doing the...

Important stuff that will move you from where you are, to the place you've always wanted to be.

That's the cold hard truth.

End of motivational babble. I hope you have a great week. And I hope you start doing what needs to be done  (If you ain't already doing it)


It's your life.

Stay frosty.

Andy Mukolo.

"Polite and soft-spoken to the core"

One comment

  1. God! I thank you for bringing me here today! Ahh! You are the liquid metal! Thanks boss!

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